Colors that Complement


Finding complementing colors with purple will make the decorating process less difficult by narrowing down the perfect color scheme for the different rooms in your house. Whether you’re working with existing furniture and décor or are starting all the way over, choosing these types of colors is a great place to start for a polished look.


The color wheel is arranged like a rainbow.  Think of it as six basic colors; red, orange, yellow, green, blue & violet with variations in between (i.e. red-orange, orange-yellow, etc.).  Using the color wheel is one of the easiest ways to determine a color scheme.  Colors that complement can be divided an infinite number of times to include all gradients in between these basic hues. What is most important to understand is that no matter the shade or tone of the color, the opposite color is always complementary.  Try it for yourself next time you are looking at paint color chips.  You might be surprised by what you discover.


Complementing colors are two colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. If you want to create a bold and beautiful space, try one of the following pairings…

  • Red & Green
  • Purple & Yellow
  • Blue & Orange

Purple & yellow is a great combination.  We have used it in a bedroom with great results.  We started with a comforter that had yellow in it and then looked for purple paint colors that would complement the yellow.   While we did not want a completely purple room, we used our purple choice as an accent wall.

Have fun with your decorating and be bold and try something complementing colors.  And remember if you are unsure of your color choices try a  SureSwatch Temporary Paint Swatch before you commit.  Learn more about SureSwatch and where to buy it at

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