Living Room Paint Colors: Avoid These Mistakes When Choosing Paint Colors


Some design rules are flexible, others are not really made to be broken. When it comes to choosing living room paint colors, there are things you should and should not do to make sure you do not spin the color wheel the wrong way. Too many people focus only on how to choose the right colors, it can be equally as beneficial to know how to avoid picking the wrong ones.

Avoid these mistakes when choosing Living Room Colors

Mistake #1: Choosing the Living Room Colors First

Choosing paint colors for your living room should not be at the top of your to-do list. You need to plan the room first. You want the paint color you select to support the rest of the room. It should balance the furniture, fabrics, and décor already in the room. Doing it the other way around guarantees a more painful experience.

Mistake #2: Picking Bright Colors

There is nothing wrong with using bright paint colors, but you need to make sure the rest of the items in your living room colors are neutral colors. Even white furnishings are a good idea for bright paint colors. You also need to think about what you want the focus of the room to be. If the focus is supposed to be the walls, bright colors are fine. If you don’t want the focus on the wall, bright colors are a bad idea.

Mistake #3: Consider the Entire Home

Even though you are only picking the color for your living room, you need to think about the entire house. You may not want your living room to be a wild and crazy color while the rest of the house is saturated colors. It is a good idea to consider the rest of the home and find a color that complements the entire house.

Knowing these mistakes is beneficial because it will make it easier for you to know what not to do when you are choosing paint colors. Check us out to see how to simplify the entire color choosing process!

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